The brand-new RFS44 44 GHz four-port switch is available for purchase!→

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

EMC Precompliance Testing Experience Enhanced in Spike 3.1.7 Update

While not a sweeping update to the spectrum analyzer software, Spike 3.1.7 does bring quite a few changes to the table – especially in the area of EMC precompliance testing. Satisfying one of our most requested features, EMC Precompliance analysis mode now offers more configurable path loss tables—twice as many, in fact—for a total of

What is a multimeter?

A multimeter is an essential tool for electrical engineers and helps measure various electrical quantities such as voltage, current, and resistance. It is a versatile device that combines several measurement functions into one unit, making it convenient and efficient for troubleshooting and testing electrical circuits. Understanding a multimeter’s essential components and functions is crucial for

New Signal Hound LabVIEW Virtual Instrument Drivers

We’re happy to finally offer something that’s been on our To-Do list for quite a while now—powerful, fully functional Signal Hound virtual instrument drivers for the industry-standard LabVIEW® software from National Instruments®. These free drivers offer a direct connection to the functions of the Signal Hound API within the context of the LabVIEW visual programming

Fine-tuning your Emergency Communications Setup and Knowledge with Commsprepper

YouTube publisher Commsprepper knows his stuff when it comes to emergency communications. One glance at his list of videos reveals a guy who is not only varied in his knowledge of wireless field operations, but also extremely passionate. Amateur radio enthusiasts are a large subset of Commsprepper’s followers, and for good reason. While the spin

Blog Series: EMC Precompliance with a Real Time Spectrum Analyzer

If you’re building electronic hardware or devices intended for public use, you’ll need to pass a certification of some sort that verifies your device is within the electromagnetic interference (EMI) guidelines established by your country. Without this certification your device will legally never make it to market. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the overarching engineering concerned

Review of Signal Hound’s EMC Precompliance Testing Capabilities by Southwest EMI

Glen Gassaway of Southwest EMI in Mesa, Arizona, recently reviewed the new EMC precompliance analysis mode in our Spike software. The verdict? Well, we like this quote: “Throughout the evaluation, I had absolutely no issue with the software hanging up or lagging. All measurements I took seemed very reasonable. The EMC module is well written

Spike 3.1.0 Now Includes EMC Precompliance Analysis Mode

Today marks a significant day in the lifespan of our Spike software. EMC Precompliance is now available as an “Analysis Mode” in the software when connected to a BB60C or BB60A spectrum analyzer. And… we hit version 3.1.0—our first major step up from Spike 3.0! EMC / EMI Precompliance Features in Spike Many of our

Swing In, Say Hi at IMS 2016

These are our kind of people Our industry is an interesting one. Test and measurement equipment doesn’t quite reach the excitement levels of consumer electronics (wink wink), but without it, the consumer electronics probably wouldn’t make it out to, well, the consumers. If consumer electronics are a niche, then we’re definitely a niche within a