The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

News Release: BB60C Announced

Signal Hound BB60C Real-time Spectrum Analyzer Raises High Performance Bar. Read the News Release (43k PDF)

Affordable Real-Time Spectrum Analysis

Signal Hound’s latest innovation is the BB60C spectrum analyzer, an enhanced version of its well-received predecessor, the BB60A. Full article: Microwave Journal Microwave Journal Article pdf  

Signal Hound wins ECN 2014 IMPACT Award

ECN held it first annual IMPACT award honoring outstanding achievement in electronic design.  In the Test and Measurementcategory Signal Hound for its BB60A Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer / RF Recorder:  ECN

EDN Europe: €2300 USB Real-time Spectrum Analyser Spans 6 GHz

Signal Hound BB60A is a real-time spectrum analyser and RF recorder designed to capture and display RF events as short as 1 µsec. The BB60A is a small, lightweight, USB-based real-time RF spectrum analyser that operates from 9 kHz to 6 GHz and can go anywhere. It can also be customised to perform complex, remote, and/or automated functions.

News Release: BB60A Announced

Test Equipment Plus Announces the Signal Hound BB60A Real-time Spectrum Analyzer with Excellent Performance for Under $2,500. Read the News Release (43k PDF)