The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

We’re happy to finally offer something that’s been on our To-Do list for quite a while now—powerful, fully functional Signal Hound virtual instrument drivers for the industry-standard LabVIEW® software from National Instruments®.

A screenshot of Signal Hound virtual instruments in LabVIEW

Running a Signal Hound virtual instrument inside LabVIEW

These free drivers offer a direct connection to the functions of the Signal Hound API within the context of the LabVIEW visual programming environment. This release covers ALL of our spectrum analyzers, making our BB and SA-series easy to integrate into your prototyping and testing scenarios. If you used the previous versions of our LabVIEW drivers, you’re going to be quite pleased with this release— it’s probably what you’ve been wanting the whole time 😉

The cool part? Installation is literally drag and drop. A few clicks and you’re ready to go.

Check out the video below, where Signal Hound developer Roger Rush demos the installation and use of the drivers (which, coincidentally, he created):

If you run LabVIEW and have access to Signal Hound spectrum analyzers, you’ll want to try these out. Based on our customer feedback, these should work well for you.

Ready to start prototyping with your Signal Hound in LabVIEW?….

Check out our LabVIEW drivers

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.