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YouTube publisher Commsprepper knows his stuff when it comes to emergency communications. One glance at his list of videos reveals a guy who is not only varied in his knowledge of wireless field operations, but also extremely passionate.

Amateur radio enthusiasts are a large subset of Commsprepper’s followers, and for good reason. While the spin on the videos is geared towards “preppers” (people preparing for emergencies on a variety of scales), the publisher’s focus is on maintaining important communications during moments when the popular lines of communication are down, like land lines, mobile phones, and Internet-based communications. And what better medium for this type of communication than ham radio? It is this interest in amateur radio that guided Commsprepper to Signal Hound products, as a high-performing yet affordable tool in the kit of those working in radio operations.

A few of Commsprepper’s videos highlight Signal Hound products directly, such as this 5-video series highlighting our USB-SA44B spectrum analyzer:

And this video about testing antennas with the USB-SA44B and USB-TG44A tracking generator paired together:

If you’ve ever been interested in seeing Signal Hound products in use or how they can provide value in realistic situations, these videos are worth a look. Commsprepper goes through the process of setting up the devices and software, using them to locate signals in the area around him, testing configurations, and even pairing Signal Hound devices with third-party software like HDSDR for even more communications-related functionality.

There are other videos that indirectly display Signal Hound products in use in his emergency communication setups, like this one utilizing the USB-SA44B to help set modem deviation level in a Kantronics terminal node controller configuration:

We love these videos for a few reasons. The first is that knowledge is power, and seeing Commsprepper’s amateur radio knowledge in action is inspiring. As soon as you start watching his videos it’s clear that he knows what he’s doing, and it’s easy to learn a few news tricks just through viewing. The second is that we love to see how Signal Hound devices are used in the real world. We know that our devices can satisfy a variety of needs in the wireless world (which is why we built them!), but actually seeing them in use is something we always enjoy. And lastly, well, we think that Commsprepper is a great, friendly guy that’s using current tech to produce and distribute some high-quality videos, which is always appreciated!

His channel is definitely a recommended watch.

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.