The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

Featured article

RF Detection and Identification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones, are no longer just for military and hobbyists. According to the FAA, 369,528 commercial drones are registered in the United States as of 12/31/20231. As commercialized use cases for UAVs continue to expand, the need for aerial surveillance also increases. Of particular importance is protecting the safety of military

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Introducing the Signal Hound Discussion Forums

Starting today, you can tap into the knowledge of the Signal Hound community via the new discussion forums on our website. We’re going to be actively promoting the use of these discussion areas, and we hope that you’ll want to participate.  We can write manuals and how-to’s all day long, but ultimately, it’s the experience

Awesome USB-SA44B Review in Silicon Chip Magazine

Silicon Chip magazine, an Australian publication dedicated to electronics professionals, tradespeople, and enthusiasts, published an excellent review of our USB-SA44B spectrum analyzer.  Writer Jim Rowe details his setup and use experience in a well-written, screenshot-infused article that gives a great first-hand account of setting up and running an SA44B for the first time, and the

Video: Bruce Chats with RCR Wireless’ Kelly Hill

RCR Wireless News just published an article highlighting our company, and includes and excellent 20-minute long interview video with our CEO, Bruce Devine. Bruce and Kelly Hill talk about where Signal Hound came from, our roots in test equipment, how we see the industry using our spectrum analyzers, and why we think that high-quality, affordable

News Release: BB60C Calibration Software Released

Signal Hound Announces Field Calibration Software for BB60C. Read the news release (40k PDF)

News Release: 6 GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyzer on Display at AOC

Signal Hound 6 GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyzer on Display at AOC Read the News Release (60k PDF)

BB60C Calibration Software Released

Editor’s note—Signal Hound calibration software now works for all Signal Hound devices, not just the BB60C. We just released version 1.0.0 of our new BB60C spectrum analyzer calibration software, for those who need it and can use it. This is a PC-based application for running performance verification tests, and making adjustments to the Signal Hound BB60C

Come See Us at the AOC Convention in DC Next Month

We’re heading out to Washington DC next month, from October 7th – 9th, to show our Signal Hound USB spectrum analyzers at the 51st Annual Association of Old Crows Convention.  The engineers who create our products will be there, with software and hardware demos in effect. So, bring all of your questions, and come chat

Video: Watch as the BB60C Locates and Analyzes a Bluetooth Signal

Signal Hound’s own software engineer, AJ Montgomery, demonstrates how our affordable spectrum analyzer, the BB60C, can be used to locate and analyze a Bluetooth signal in real-time.  The video also gives a quick but comprehensive overview into the power and functionality of the software. It’s just over eight minutes long, and offers a great example

EDN’s Kenneth Wyatt Reviews our BB60C Spectrum Analyzer

In the words of Mr. Wyatt: “In summary, I’m quite impressed with the capability and features of this real time analyzer. I’ve seen spectral issues of devices that simply couldn’t be seen using a regular spectrum analyzer with the inherently slower sweep speeds. This would be a valuable tool for troubleshooting intermittent EMI issues or

Watch Bruce chat with Wireless Design and Development about the BB60C

Watch our very own Bruce Devine chat with Wireless Design & Development‘s Meaghan Ziemba about the killer features of our latest affordable spectrum analyzer, the BB60C. Bruce talks about the BB60C’s potential as a platform for a variety of spectrum analysis-related uses, including remote monitoring. Check out the 7 minute video here: