The revolutionary new PN400 Phase Noise Test System is available for purchase
Our newest innovation combines powerful hardware and cutting edge software into an all-in-one phase noise test solution.
Spike has an update - now optimized for advanced phase noise testing.
The latest version of Spike now offers a powerful new, licensed Advanced Phase Noise Test Tool Kit. Unlock enterprise-grade accuracy and cutting-edge features in your test and measurement environment.
The SP145 RF analyzer is here! Available to order now.
High-speed RF analysis up to 14.5 GHz, with sweep speeds up to 200 GHz/sec, 40 MHz streaming bandwidth, and -160 dBm displayed noise average.
The SM435C, network capable mmWave spectrum analyzer
5G and Ka band analysis with 160 MHz continuous streaming I/Q over 10GbE SFP+
The BB60D – our newest real-time 6 GHz analyzer
Our latest pocket-sized spectrum analyzer, featuring the same performant features of the popular BB60C – but with 10 dB more dynamic range and preselector filters from 130 MHz to 6 GHz!
Signal Hound makes affordable, high-performing RF test and measurement equipment
Accurate and powerful enough for mission-critical RF analysis, priced at a point accessible to most, and supported by a talented group of engineers committed to what they do – we truly believe that Signal Hound devices offer unrivaled value in the test equipment industry.