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As wireless use cases continue to grow exponentially in the consumer market, wireless carriers are tasked with managing the steep increase in data usage. At the same time market saturation, heavy competition, and maintenance costs are also increasing, making profitability more difficult. It is more essential than ever for wireless carriers to optimize spectrum usage, but they must balance this need with strictly ensuring regulatory compliance, which requires continuous and comprehensive spectrum monitoring.

Achieving Spectral Efficiency in Wireless Networks

Spectral efficiency requires wireless carriers to precisely monitor and analyze usage patterns so they can identify opportunities to service more subscribers per Megahertz (MHz). Carriers can repurpose spectrum bands from legacy generations of wireless technologies to newer, more efficient technologies such as Massive MIMO, carrier aggregation, network slicing, or cloud radio access network (C-RAN). Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) can also be used to provide other users access to unused spectrum, ensuring that available spectrum is utilized. Another means of achieving spectral efficiency is to densify networks through small cell deployment, cell splitting, or antenna sectorization.

The Role of Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers in Network Optimization

When wireless carriers install new technologies, the proper test equipment is crucial for successful deployment. Real-time spectrum analyzers, such as Signal Hound’s SM435C, enable network engineers to assess system performance, optimize antenna placement, and ensure regulatory compliance. In addition to real-time capabilities, the SM435C offers a wide frequency range, up to 43.5 GHz, ultra-fast sweep speeds (1THz at 30 kHz RBW), and low phase noise, ensuring that the entire spectrum can be monitored quickly and accurately. A 10 Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ port, enables the SM435C to communicate with a PC over long distances using a fiber optic cable, making it ideal for remote spectrum monitoring.

Dynamic Spectrum Access and Spectrum Sharing

Dynamic Spectrum Access is gaining traction due to spectrum scarcity paired with increasing spectrum sharing incentives, such as the Enhanced Competition Incentive Program announced by the FCC and launched in February 2024. Although licensed spectrum remains the preference of wireless carriers, the lack of available spectrum will undoubtedly encourage the growth of DSA. Spectrum sharing requires close attention to regulatory requirements. Software, such as Signal Hound’s free proprietary Spike™ software, is an essential tool for implementing DSA. The Interference Hunting or Spectrum Emission Mask tools in Spike monitor and analyze the spectrum and can detect any signals that are outside of acceptable range. This ensures carriers can stay in compliance with spectrum sharing regulations.

Densification Strategies for Wireless Networks

Balancing network performance with coverage and capacity can be challenging for wireless carriers densifying networks through the deployment of small cells, cell splitting, or antenna sectorization. Utilizing real-time spectrum analyzers, such as Signal Hound’s SM435C, enables network engineers to analyze signal propagation characteristics, detect interference sources, and assess signal quality, allowing for optimized antenna placement and ensuring signals are transmitting within their allocated frequency bands.

Empowering Wireless Carriers to Optimize Networks

As wireless carriers face increasing pressure to improve spectral efficiency while maintaining profitability, the ability to quickly implement new technologies, effectively share spectrum, and densify networks becomes imperative. Signal Hound is uniquely positioned to provide affordable, reliable, precision test equipment so network engineers can achieve this efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance with confidence.

About the Author

Clint Burgess
Clint Burgess

With a passion for technology and innovation, Clint brings years of communication and relationship-building experience to his role as Signal Hound's marketing director. Even more than his enjoyment of creating and driving strategic marketing initiatives, Clint loves working with the good people of the RF test and measurement industry.

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