With this year’s International Microwave Symposium taking place next week, we’re wrapping up some last-minute tasks before the show.
This year, though, is a bit different than the last couple of years. In addition to the gathering of the trade show bits and bobs making sure we have all the gear that we need (things that didn’t make it into the crate we shipped a month ago), we’re also putting the finishing touches on a new product we’re introducing at the show.
This makes things a little tricky. While we should be ticking items off the IMS list, we’re so enthralled with the new product that it makes it hard to focus.
A long time coming
And why shouldn’t we be excited? After all, it’s been over two years of noodling, researching, designing, building… then scrapping and starting all over again. Writing code, re-writing code, testing, and re-testing – you name it – all in the name of squeezing the most performance we can out of every part in the device. We’ve spent the last couple of days watching as the device comes together, literally, right on a table in the middle of the lab, screw by screw, board by board.
It’s a little funny at times to see everybody gathered around somebody assembling a device, watching quietly with the assembler narrating the process, detailing how flush the pieces fit together or how easily a screw threads in – but this is what we do at Signal Hound – we build devices. So to say we’re a bit giddy to watch a new device come together is an understatement, but it validates why we show up every day and do what we love to do.
The new product still needs a bit of tweaking, and of course product refinements and enhancements are never technically done, but we’re really excited about the progress. We think that those working with RF are going to appreciate the device. Anyone at IMS interested in the device can swing by booth #1439 for a demo… it’ll be up and running at the show.
Other good stuff
And of course, we’ll also have our other wares at the show. The BB60C (quickly becoming a favorite tool of interference hunters and EMC precompliance troubleshooters), the SA44B, the VSG25A, the TG tracking generators… if you’ve ever been curious about our devices, swing by and check them out. We’ll have them all running demos while we’re there. We’ve also updated our Spike software considerably over the last year and we’d love to show you what’s new.
We look forward to this show every year. This industry is full of fantastic people and personalities and the IMS trade show is one of the few times we get to talk in person with these individuals. If you’ve ever wanted to bend the ear of our engineers, this show is the time.
If you’re curious about IMS, the International Microwave Symposium, you can learn all about the trade show at its homepage.