Chris DeMartino at Microwaves & Radio Frequency (MW&RF) recently published an article featuring our SM200A 20 GHz spectrum analyzer. The article describes the analyzer, compares it to our other devices, and offers a handful of feature run-throughs such as phase-noise measurements and vector signal analysis.
The article also includes some great photos of both the analyzer and Spike software in use (both photos courtesy of MW&RF, by the way):
SM200A connected to a VSG25A Spike software in digital demod mode
The closing paragraph is our favorite part, for obvious reasons:
“In summary, the SM200A certainly packs a great deal of performance capabilities into a single instrument. With its array of analysis modes at a price tag of just $11,900, the SM200A can hold its own in today’s market. It appears that Signal Hound may have a winner on its hands.”
If you’re interested at all in what the SM200A can do, Mr. DeMartino offers a nice third-party look at the analyzer, and it’s well worth your time to read. After all, we can talk at length about the features, performance, and functionality of a device, but it sure is nice having someone else validate those things for you.
If you’re a subscriber at MW&RF you can download a PDF of the article, or you can register and subscribe while you’re over there. They put out some great content with top-quality writing, so it can only benefit you in the long run, if you choose.