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Chris DeMartino at Microwaves & Radio Frequency (MW&RF) recently published an article featuring our SM200A 20 GHz spectrum analyzer. The article describes the analyzer, compares it to our other devices, and offers a handful of feature run-throughs such as phase-noise measurements and vector signal analysis.

The article also includes some great photos of both the analyzer and Spike software in use (both photos courtesy of MW&RF, by the way):

The closing paragraph is our favorite part, for obvious reasons:

“In summary, the SM200A certainly packs a great deal of performance capabilities into a single instrument. With its array of analysis modes at a price tag of just $11,900, the SM200A can hold its own in today’s market. It appears that Signal Hound may have a winner on its hands.”

If you’re interested at all in what the SM200A can do, Mr. DeMartino offers a nice third-party look at the analyzer, and it’s well worth your time to read. After all, we can talk at length about the features, performance, and functionality of a device, but it sure is nice having someone else validate those things for you.

If you’re a subscriber at MW&RF you can download a PDF of the article, or you can register and subscribe while you’re over there. They put out some great content with top-quality writing, so it can only benefit you in the long run, if you choose.

Read the full article at Microwaves and Radio Frequency

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.