The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

I knew it would be a bit different today when I saw folks with IMS badges headed towards the beach with flip flops on instead of the conference center. Granted, the show floor was still really busy, but people definitely had the island vibe on the mind just as much as they did work.

This feeling actually helped out on the floor. Every conversation we had was totally easygoing, and the relaxed environment really aided in the flow of the technical discussion. Many chats were just as much about an upcoming dive as they were RBW, which we loved.

Hanging out with super-smart, super-great people

Talking cool stuff. With cool people. All day long.

Post- SM200A soft launch

Our new SM200A is almost ready for prime time, and it performed really well. After a few days on the floor we definitely felt that the high dynamic range of the device was the feature raising the most eyebrows. The sweep speeds are impressive, and people seemed overjoyed that the real specs actually reflect what is stated on the data sheet. But that 110 dB of dynamic range really made people smile.

Oh, and the $11,900.00 price point also seemed to sit well. In fact, it barely raised an eyebrow. That was good news to us, as venturing out of the area of $1000 – $3000 test equipment is new for us.

We are happy with the results and reception of the device, and we’ll have lots more to say about it as we continue to refine the product before launch in October. Be sure to stay tuned. We have lots of media coverage scheduled so it shouldn’t be too hard.

Wrapping it all up

This is the most we’ve ever blogged during a show, so there isn’t too much to say at this point (our other posts detail the other days). It’s always interesting at the end of a convention, because before a show we envision building relationships for the purpose of creating future customers (don’t hold it against us, we’re a business, and we need to make a few bucks, right?). After the show, however, all the conversation is centered around what we learned. The people we talk to, the companies we have discussions with (both large and small), the internal discussions we have amongst ourselves – we learn so much regarding what the market needs, and what features we need to look into adding. Trade show travel may impact the marketing budget a bit, but the experience is invaluable. This knowledge trickles down to our products, and our customers benefit from these experiences.

Hawaii, we had a great time. The slower pace was just what we needed. We look forward to busier, more hectic shows in the future, but we’ve got to admit that we’re excited to come back.

So empty and quiet

So empty in here now, but it’s been fun!

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.