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Ken Taylor, managing director of Australia’s Silvertone Electronics, recently notified us of a customer of his who is doing some fascinating antenna measurement and characterization from the air.

He’s doing what?

Jason Schreiber is an RF Engineer at Innovative Drone Solutions, and he just released a short paper on using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, commonly referred to as “drones”) to log RF fields and measure cell tower propagation patterns. By combining a Signal Hound USB-SA44B spectrum analyzer with a small stick-type form factor computer and mounting it to a drone, Jason is able to characterize an antenna system with greater precision and timeliness, and get away from things such as ground reflection.

Jason's Setup for Advanced Drone-based Antenna Measurement

Jason’s Setup for Advanced Drone-based Antenna Measurement

If you’re at all interested in characterizing antenna systems (or even if you just want to take a look at a really cool drone setup), download Jason’s paper (no registration required).

Download Jason’s Antenna Characterization Paper

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.