The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

In another outstanding, thorough review from Shahriar at The Signal Path, the Keysight EXA signal analyzer is put through the paces for just over an hour-and-a-half.
And, well, call us biased, but we loved the part where he generated a signal for analysis with our VSG25A vector signal generator.

VSG25A signal characterized by the Keysight EXA

Our VSG25A connected to the Keysight EXA

Watch the video here:, and be sure not to miss the part at 1:08:57 where the VSG25A makes its appearance.

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.