The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

In some areas of work, you can get away with being “close enough.”  In fact, I believe it was my insightful 5th grade teacher, Mr. Watts, who taught me that “close only counts in horseshoes.”  So for those of you throwing horseshoes for a living, if you’re getting close, keep it up! However, if you’re using test equipment in your daily job functions, things are probably a little different.

In the test and measurement field, accuracy is paramount. When you’re working within the finite arena of RF, you need to know exactly when an event occurs and where it takes place. Signal Hound spectrum analyzers and signal generators are designed and built to work at these required high levels of accuracy. But like any tool, these devices need to be tuned once in a while in order to maintain these high standards. Calibration of test equipment is a standard business activity in the test and measurement industry, and our Signal Hound devices are no different.

To help our customers with the calibration of Signal Hound spectrum analyzers, we now offer a list of professional third-party facilities that provide ISO calibration services for our products (using our calibration software, currently for BB60C devices only). We’re starting off this list with Instrument Rental Labs from Broomfield, Colorado.

Instrument Rental Labs facility in Broomfield, CO

Instrument Rental Labs facility in Broomfield, CO

Instrument Rental Labs’ President, Bill Hedrick, has years of experience and extensive knowledge in the test and measurement field, and his team is ready to dial in your BB60C to ISO 17025, ISO Z540.1, and ISO Z540.3 calibration levels. Instrument Rental Lab’s service is top-notch, and you won’t find a nicer set of folks to work with.

Bill Hedrick, President of Instrument Rental Labs

Bill Hedrick, President of Instrument Rental Labs

You can contact Instrument Rental Labs at, or on the phone at 1-888-573-5468. Also, going forward, you can keep an eye on our growing list of Signal Hound calibration specialists on our ISO calibration services page:

View our list of calibration facilities

About the Author

Cory Allen

Cory is a writer and marketing specialist in the RF and test industry, and worked as Signal Hound's marketing director from 2014-2021.

View Cory's profile on LinkedIn.