The brand-new RFS8 8 GHz eight-port switch is available for purchase!→

Signal Hound put the cap on another successful IMS showcase this month. The event was an outstanding exhibition of the vibrancy of the RF industry and the energy surrounding all the companies who participated in this remarkable trade show.

The highlight of this year’s booth activity was the buzz surrounding our latest release, the SP145 spectrum analyzer. This product is a direct result of feedback we receive from users and our team identifying the highest performance solutions to the needs of our customers. We heard over and over how this new addition to our portfolio is going to fit seamlessly into a myriad of work scenarios. The SP145 is really geared towards field use. It excels at drive test, vector signal analysis, RF survey and even airborne measurement functionality. It fits perfectly in the toolkit of commercial wireless technicians and operators. This release has resonated incredibly well with our base and we’re excited to get it into their hands.

Innovation is such a critical piece of the RF industry. As complexities and sophistication of the airwaves increase, monitoring and analysis of those signals becomes more and more critical. It is inspiring to see the technological advancements in this space. Numerous companies attending IMS presented exciting new products and tools that will not only keep pace with developments but continue to push the boundaries of growth. Let’s not forget how connected our world is as well. Smart applications cover nearly every facet of life these days. As companies search for proper test and measurement equipment to assess their products, we are encouraged to see greater adoption of Signal Hound products into those processes.

The SP145 demonstration at IMS 2023

One constant about the IMS show is how fulfilling it is to meet with people in person. Year after year, we continue to enjoy face to face interactions with our customers, friends and those who aren’t familiar with what we do. Relationships are a key component of our philosophy. So much of what Signal Hound does comes down to the needs we are filling for our customers and RF professionals across the globe. That work drives us to offer the best products of their kind to the engineers and operators who use them. That may sound pretty typical, but when you’re offering premium accessible test and measurement technology the way Signal Hound does, it’s pretty extraordinary.

The biggest takeaway from IMS 2023 is that Signal Hound’s mission and guiding principles resonate with those who work with us and those who are just learning about us. The accessibility we offer in regard to the quality and performance of our products, as well as to our design team, is distinctive. Companies that can be responsive to needs in the industry will continue to thrive in the RF space. And we exhibit that ethos time and again. Signal Hound’s roadmap includes many new offerings that maintain our Unrivaled Value as we continue to test the limits and exceed them.

The future is exciting for this global company. We can’t wait to show you what’s next.

About the Author

Clint Burgess
Clint Burgess

With a passion for technology and innovation, Clint brings years of communication and relationship-building experience to his role as Signal Hound's marketing director. Even more than his enjoyment of creating and driving strategic marketing initiatives, Clint loves working with the good people of the RF test and measurement industry.

View Clint's profile on LinkedIn.