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Ivan IonovParticipantYou can export the plot to csv and than in excel do the recalculation of the frequency values.
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov December 21, 2015 at 2:28 am in reply to: Video trigger in modulation analysis //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Hi Andrew,
I’d like to share my small wish list to the Symbol Table view.
1. The Symbol Table is just a picture now, I can’t select decoded hex data by mouse to copy-paste it to other text editor (to check for difference of several packets of data). It would be great to change the style of this view to make text selectable. Ideally there can be a button to save decoded data to hex of binary file (or to autosave data to file if decode is successful).
2. If decoded data is too long to fit in the view, there’s no way to see the ending of the long data packet, especially in binary view. It would be helpful to add scroll slider to the Symbol Table.
Regards, Ivan
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov December 16, 2015 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Video trigger in modulation analysis //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you!
Video trigger works!
I can capture and decode 30ms pulse, repeating in 1sec, it was almost impossible to catch it and decode without video trigger.The only bad thing I’ve noticed in new version – video trigger option sometimes makes software unresponsible, it hangs for a minute and then crashes. Usually it happens when I set video trigger on and then uncheck “auto IF bandwidth” to increase bandwidth from automatic 30kHz to 100-200kHz to get more accurate Eye Diagram. When I unchek “auto” it jumps to full 27MHz (may be it is too high for my settings?) and then software hangs.
I’ll try to find if I can reproduce the problem without any signal.
I see, orange led on BB60 means, that software is reading data, but led doesn’t become green even if I press “Single” in modulation analysis (when video trigger on). Why it is doing something in Single mode?
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Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov November 11, 2015 at 11:35 am in reply to: BB60c + TG44 in SNA mode resets Store Tru calibration every 2 minutes! //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you!
It works much better now. 🙂
Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov November 10, 2015 at 12:40 am in reply to: BB60c + TG44 in SNA mode resets Store Tru calibration every 2 minutes! //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Hello Andrew, thanks for reply.
Warm up can be a temporary solution, but I hope you will fix this in some time.
No, when I change div setting it does reset my calibration.
Also I’ve noticed, when I remember several traces (I tune antenna, or compare several antennas with directional coupler) and switch analisys to VSVR mode, only last trace is recalculated from dBm to VSVR. As a result, I can’t compare antennas both in dBm view and in VSVR view without redoing all measurements again.
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov November 7, 2015 at 9:33 am in reply to: BB60c + TG44 – strange jumps on plot in SNA mode //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
I’ve rechecked this. It looks there’s something different.
Compare the same span with different num of points.
100pts – I see 3 dips on trace, every dip is 20MHz wide.
200pts – dips on trace have more details.
400pts – dips disappears!When I used a combination of SA44 + TG44, I did’t see this strange behavior.
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Ivan IonovParticipantHere is a screenshot with 500KHz span. -11dBm input (much higher than on prev picture), -10dBm reference level (the same as on first screenshot), no overload.
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Ivan IonovParticipantIf I increase span to 500KHz or more, this warning disappears. But also I see different noise level on left and right part of the screen (>10MHz and <10MHz different RF path are used).
It looks like the span less than 200KHz tries to use only single RF path (looking at noise, imho this is >10MHz path, it has less noise), and in this case something strange happens with overload warnings.
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov November 5, 2015 at 10:31 am in reply to: BB60c with 10MHz external reference from TG44 shows me large frequency deviation //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
By the way, can you add more digits after comma to display values >=1GHz. For the 999MHz last digit represents 1Hz, and that’s great, but for 1GHz and above last digit represents 1KHz, which is too large. It looks funny when I set center frequency to 1GHz and span to 2KHz, left side of window show F markers with 1Hz resolution, right side shows meaningless 1.00000GHz for all right side of the screen.
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov November 5, 2015 at 10:21 am in reply to: BB60c with 10MHz external reference from TG44 shows me large frequency deviation //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you very much, look forward for the next release.
Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov November 5, 2015 at 9:09 am in reply to: BB60c with 10MHz external reference from TG44 shows me large frequency deviation //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
I’ve checked TG44 output against its 10MHz ref ouput on oscilloscope.
When I set tg44 output to 10MHz or 20MHz, it generates sine phase locked with reference (frequencies matches exactly). But 30MHz, 50MHz, 100MHz are not in phase and have some frequency deviation. For example, to generate exact 10x phase locked output I have to set tg44 freq=99.999970MHzAs I understand, instead of tuning internal tg44 reference generator to exact 10MHz, you simply set some freq correction parameter into it. This makes useless it’s 10MHz output.
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Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov November 5, 2015 at 4:46 am in reply to: BB60c + TG44 – strange jumps on plot in SNA mode //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Second example –
Start = 1.1G, Stop=2G, sweep size = 500pts – ok
Start = 1.0G, Stop=2G, sweep size = 500pts – jumps appear on plotAttachments:
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Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov September 18, 2015 at 12:29 pm in reply to: Capture longer signal in Zero-Spam view //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
As for me, I don’t want to see untriggered data, because it quickly erases useful triggered event and fills screen with useless garbage.
Almost every oscilloscope has 3 trigger modes – Normal, Auto and Single. I think it’s good to have all 3 variants of operation in Spike (it has only 2 now, Single and Auto).
By the way, i think Spike should have Stop button (it should be near Single button). To freese aquiring and let me see and analyze captured data. Single button can’t help here, because it will erase my data (found event could not happen anymore).
Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov September 14, 2015 at 3:36 pm in reply to: API for standalone TG44? //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
I’ve attached my application with source code (written with MS Studio 2010). Feel free to use it as you need.Button Sweep starts the sweep from start to end frequency.
Button “Set” sets fixed frequency and power.Frequency boxes recognize mnemonics like “4g4”, “100m1” or “10k” mnemonics to set frequency in GHz, Mhz or KHz.
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Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov September 4, 2015 at 12:38 pm in reply to: Several tests of TG44 //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you for the answers.
I see in specs, that TG44 can output power from -10dBm to -30dBm, and it does so (and even a bit more), there’s no issues here. But software sometimes makes me puzzled, it shows me that TG44 is capable to output 0..-40dBm power and 0..13GHz frequency. I think it’s good to reflect in the software realistic abilities of the connected generator.
I was expecting to see rectangular output of the tracking generator (as it do some other analyzers), and sine output on low range was a little bonus to me.
Regards, Ivan
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Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov September 4, 2015 at 1:14 am in reply to: API for standalone TG44? //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you for API!
A small app is written, sweep function is working now. If you want, I can send you source files so you can put it on your site for somebody else. Or if you don’t mind, I can attach here a compiled exe.
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Ivan IonovParticipant- This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Ivan Ionov.
Ivan Ionov September 4, 2015 at 12:36 am in reply to: Several tests of TG44 //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
3. I’ve connected TG44 and my function generator (Rigol DG4162, which allows me to set amplitude in dBm from +10 to -50), set both generators to 1MHz and compared output amplitude. I see, that TG44 power -10dBm, -20dbm, -30dBm look correct (+-1dbc error), -40 is -38dBm (a bit higher, but still ok) but 0dBm outputs only -7dBm. On picture yellow line is TG44 output (Vrms =100mV, ~-7dBm), blue line is DG4162 output (Vrms =232mV, close to 0dBm). On -20dB picture both show almost identical Vrms ~22mV. Is it a hardware issue?
4. I see that TG44 generates 10MHz output reference, but it can’t use external (OCXO or GPSDO) reference. It’s looks strange to use external reference in analyzer and not being able to use the same reference in generator.
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Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov August 25, 2015 at 4:21 am in reply to: Issue with SA44 + TG44 scalar network analyzer on low frequencies //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you for the explanation!
Let me tell some other personal impressions on network analyzer mode.
1. It would be very useful to save \ load “Store Thru” calibration (and other parameters – freq range, number of points, gain…). Now every time I run Spike, I have to plug-unplug connectors, make calibration again.
May be the easiest thing would be to add “Store Thru” data to Presets.The most annoying thing is accidental lost of calibration, it’s not so obvious why some parameters change involves calibration lost and some others don’t.
2. Second cool thing would be to have a logarithmic frequency scale in network analysis mode, to make a wideband amplifer test (10-100 points in every decade from KHz up to GHz). To easily see a rise\fall lines with 6 (12 or 18)dB/octave.
3. Third useful thing would be a kind of power sweep mode, to do 2-4 plots on one screen with different attenuation of tracking generator output (0dB, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB). That mode can show an amplifier dynamic range and possible saturation or compression of the signal.
Regards, Ivan
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov August 20, 2015 at 4:00 am in reply to: Issue with SA44 + TG44 scalar network analyzer on low frequencies //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
1. Thank you, that will be great!
2. I see that 20db pad shows me perfect -20dB line in 0-2GHz region and rolls off slightly to -21..-22dB in 3-4GHz range. This is so before and after “store 20db” button (no visible changes). Is that correct? I thought it should make flat 0dB line after “store thru”, and then make perfect -20dB line after “store 20db”. Am I wrong here?
Regards, Ivan
Ivan IonovParticipantIvan Ionov August 14, 2015 at 8:08 am in reply to: First impressions on Spike GUI //php bbp_reply_id(); ?>
Thank you, I didn’t see the “uncalibrated” message.
And as already mentioned, it would be great to see 5MHz RBW option in Spike. Now I need to switch to old software for it.
Regards, Ivan
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
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