Signal Hound Field Calibration Software Release Notes * Version 1.13.0 (3/18/2024) - Added configurable uncertainties. - Added machine licensing. Contact for information. - Updated report verbiage around specs and test limits. - Additional report information: - Customer section - Calibration interval due date - Reconfigured information entry screen. - Reformatted report front page. * Version 1.12.28 (2/6/2024) - Adjusted SP145 DANL test limits. * Version 1.12.27 (1/11/2024) - Log calibration date not deprecation date for expired VNA calibration sets - Show more information about why a VNA calibration check failed * Version 1.12.26 (11/20/2023) - Deprecate and log expired VNA calibration sets instead of deleting. * Version 1.12.25 (10/19/2023) - Updated SP145 IP3 specification. * Version 1.12.23 (10/10/2023) - Reject SP145 devices with older firmware. * Version 1.12.22 (10/9/2023) - Loosen test limits above 40 GHz for SM435 Option 80 IF output tests. * Version 1.12.21 (10/2/2023) - Change location of saved test data. * Version 1.12.20 (9/29/2023) - SP145 preliminary specification adjustments. * Version 1.12.19 (9/27/2023) - Bug fix: SP145 LO leakage test * Version 1.12.17 (9/27/2023) - Bug fix: SP145 spurious test - Bug fix: SP145 LO leakage test - Bug fix: SP145 GPS test * Version 1.12.16 (8/30/2023) - Added rough preliminary specs for SP145. - Modified spurious test to save more data. - Removed sweep speed notion from SP145 tests. * Version 1.12.15 (7/24/2023) - Updated SP145 diagrams with new DUT graphic. * Version 1.12.14 (7/10/2023) - Added support for Agilent 5052B standard for PNCS-1 phase noise test. * Version 1.12.13 (6/6/2023) - Fixed bug when saving session with RFS serial number. * Version 1.12.12 (4/13/2023) - Added preliminary support for the SP145. * Version 1.12.11 (4/11/2023) - Updated SM API for SM435 hardware revision. - Added support for using SM435B in VSG60 tests. * Version 1.12.10 (3/30/2023) - Added review status for chamber tests. - Adjusted limit on SM435 chamber for SM200s test. * Version 1.12.9 (3/29/2023) - Added support for RFS44. * Version 1.12.8 (3/21/2023) - Added support for calibrating the SM435 chamber for use with SM200s. * Version 1.12.7 (3/1/2023) - Added support for RFS8. * Version 1.12.6 (1/26/2023) - Added support for U2002A USB power sensors with Agilent VID. - Saves suggested model in presets when U2002A USB power sensor is an option. * Version 1.12.5 (1/26/2023) - Fixed DC pulse issue in SM435 preselector test. * Version 1.12.4 (12/7/2022) - Set CW mode on connect for swept generators used in chamber systems. * Version 1.12.3 (12/5/2022) - Altered specs for SM200 serial numbers >= 222xxxxx. - Affected tests: ip2 and DANL. * Version 1.12.2 (10/17/2022) - Fix printing bug in frequency column of SA124B Amplitude Accuracy (Low) test report. * Version 1.12.1 (10/3/2022) - U2055XA USB power sensor can be used instead of a U2002A H26. * Version 1.12.0 (9/14/2022) - Development tools update. - Now using VS2019 and Qt5.15 for Windows builds. * Version 1.11.9 (8/31/2022) - Updated SM435 IF Output option maximum frequency. * Version 1.11.8 (8/30/2022) - Bugfix: Would not connect SM435C IF Output option devices. * Version 1.11.7 (8/22/2022) - Bugfix: SM200C DANL test printing wrong frequencies to report. * Version 1.11.6 (8/18/2022) - Bugfix: Some phase noise test descriptions showed wrong test frequencies. * Version 1.11.5 (8/15/2022) - Finalized SM435C for production. * Version 1.11.4 (8/1/2022) - Notched SM435 ip2 spec is only applied to first serial number block. * Version 1.11.3 (7/14/2022) - Updated SM200 spurious and ip2 tests for Rev L boards. - Updated SM200, BB60D, and SM435 test limits to latest specs. * Version 1.11.2 (7/12/2022) - Tweaked SM435 VSWR test limits. * Version 1.11.1 (7/11/2022) - Added official diagrams for SHASM Fwd and Rev chamber system tests. - Reduced line spacing in report test tables to maximize data density and lower page count. - Changed SM435 VSWR test limits. * Version 1.11.0 (6/9/2022) - Revised UI to be resizable. - SM and BB DUT connection fails if cal checksum is invalid. - Chamber systems sessions save and load delta test data. - Updated BB60D residual spec. - Updated SM435 amplitude accuracy tests acceptance limits based on uncertainy calculations. * Version 1.10.10 (5/9/2022) - Added points to BB60D SFDR test. * Version 1.10.9 (5/5/2022) - Add power divider to report. - Fix race conditions in SM435/200 GPS test. * Version 1.10.8 (4/29/2022) - Added SM435B VSWR production limits. - Fix band 0 issue in SM435 ip3 test. * Version 1.10.7 (4/25/2022) - Updated SM435 test limits in accordance with latest spec revision. - Added manual override of automatic scrollbar end-positioning while running tests. - Sped up SM435 ip2 and ip3 tests by caching the previous measurement offset. - Added signal checks to SM phase noise tests. - Updated limit lines for 44G SP6t chamber test. - Adjusted axes of SP6T chamber line plots. - Bugfix: Several SM diagrams showed the RF cable entering AC power port. - Bugfix: Message boxes now appear in front of application even when not in focus. * Version 1.10.6 (4/18/2022) - Added SM435 VSWR test, with support for VNA. - Improved support for SM435 chamber line testing. - Preliminary limits * Version 1.10.5 (2/10/2022) - Added support for SM435 with IF Output option. - Added diagrams for SM435 and chamber system tests. - Set CW mode on connect of 83650 swept signal generator. - Warn user if USB Power Sensor fails to zero during connection. - Added dialog for entry of explanatory note detailing hardware changes when bypassing delta check in chamber tests. - Re-test points failing absolute check in chamber tests in case of settling time issue. - Only write out passing data for future delta checks in chamber tests. - Fixed bug in autonnect passive equipment where first device was not being connected. * Version 1.10.4 (11/4/2021) - Added support for BB60D. - Implemented additional SM435 tests. - Added autoconnect passive equipment option. - Improved UX by keeping passive device select combo blank to avoid confusion. - Flattened signal generator hierarchy in main DUT select menu. - Fixed bug in y-axis of plots in SHASM Reverse test reports. * Version 1.10.3 (2/1/2021) - Added support for SM435B. - Fixed bug so that aborted tests revert to their pre-run state. - Switched to negative path loss values for SHASM Reverse test. * Version 1.10.2 (12/3/2020) - Added Chamber Systems tests. * Version 1.10.0 (9/15/2020) - Tighter test limits for the production cal for all devices. * Version 1.9.8 (8/17/2020) - Added dialog prompting manual deletion of SA/TG cal files if programmatic removal fails. * Version 1.9.7 (8/12/2020) - Added operator entry dialog when loading facility info. * Version 1.9.6 (7/30/2020) - Fixed bug in BB60C reports where "Limited Calibration" is printed erroneously due to alternate SFDR/TOI tests. * Version 1.9.5 (7/21/2020) - Remove local cal files for SA and TG series devices upon loading an SA or TG series session. * Version 1.9.4 (7/21/2020) - Fixed bug when loading/saving sessions in TG44/124 amplitude tests. - Fixed bug when manually saving session. * Version 1.9.3 (5/20/2020) - Update diagram for VSG60 IF flatness test. * Version 1.9.0 (5/5/2020) - Added production calibration mode, which tests BB, SA, TG, and VSG25 to tighter limits. - Added DC block to BB60C amplitude accuracy test diagrams. * Version 1.8.10 (4/25/2020) - VSG25A test updates, more error reporting and signal validation. - VSG25A tests replace production calibration test. * Version 1.8.6 (2/24/2020) - Added support for SM200C. * Version 1.8.5 (10/3/2019) - Officially added 20 dB attenuator to TG amplitude tests. * Version 1.8.4 (8/28/2019) - Developmental updates to VSG60A tests and specs. * Version 1.8.1 (7/23/2019) - Eliminated some spans in SA124B Amplitude vs IF test. * Version 1.8.0 (6/13/2019) - Added VSG60A support. - Fixed bug in reconnecting Signal Hound devices used as test equipment. * Version 1.7.2 (5/9/2019) - Added SM200B support. - Added ability to use SM200 as spec an for TG Timebase tests. - Fixed bug in SM200 Spurious test alternatives (SFDR & TOI). - Full refactor of equipment entry. - Introduced Device abstract base class for SH devices. * Version 1.7.1 (4/4/2019) - Fixed USB power sensor serial entry bug. - Allowed manual cal due date entry for USB power sensor. - Fixed bug in serial number edits. * Version 1.7.0 (2/14/2019) - Added PNCS-1 support. - Expanded signal check to 10 ppm in SA44B timebase test. - Tweaked SA124B AAvsIF test. - Updated BB API and 32-bit DLLs. * Version 1.6.9 (9/27/2018) - Updated LO leakage test for BB60C-2 devices. * Version 1.6.8 (8/20/2018) - Added option to use SM200A as spec an in TG124A Amplitude Accuracy test. * Version 1.6.7 (7/6/2018) - Added abort button to all tests. * Version 1.6.6 (6/26/2018) - Added the ability to load and save calibration sessions. - Expanded lower bound of SM200A spurious test to cover 10 MHz - 300 MHz in 10 MHz steps. - Fixed bug in serial number printing of BB60C as spec an in VSG test. - Fixed bug in equipment entry preset loading. - Fixed func gen serial number bug. * Version 1.6.5 (4/30/2018) - SM API Version 1.0.4 - BB API Version 3.0.21 - SA API Version 3.1.0 - TG API Version 1.0.0 - VSG API Version 1.0.4 - Relaxed spec of 80 MHz - 6 GHz band in SM200A Residuals test to -100 dBm. - Fixed bug in status calculation of SM200A Residuals test. - Fixed bug in serial number line edit in equipment entry. - Tweaked display of locked status in SM200A GPS test. * Version 1.6.0 (3/21/2018) - WARNING: This version of the software will falsely pass the SM200A residual test. Use version 1.6.5 for SM200A testing instead. - Added support for SM200A. Added ability to perform a frequency-limited calibration on SA44B. * Version 1.4.3 (12/14/2017) - 32-bit version release * Version 1.4.2 (11/3/2017) - Updated DLLs for SA124 devices. Fixes low frequency amplitude accuracy issues. * Version 1.4.1 (1/30/2017) - Fixed bug in BB60A/C low amplitude accuracy tests where unit fails at bottom of spectrum due to 0 Hz feed through, because of high RBW setting. - Fixed 0.1 KHz truncation in function generator set frequency SCPI command. * Version 1.4.0 (1/10/2017) - Support for the BB60A added to the software. - Several SA124 connectivity diagrams were updated for clarity. * Version 1.3.1 (12/13/2016) - Brought back SFDR test, as a single-generator alternative to Third-Order Intercept / Two-Tone test for spurious responses. - Handled case of no RF input signal in BB60C timebase test. - Corrected time estimate for Tracking Generator amplitude tests. - Manual model name entry for Agilent 8340 / HP BASIC-compatible generators. * Version 1.3.0 (11/17/2016) - Added support for testing Signal Hound SA124B, TG44A, and TG124A. * Version 1.2.2 (9/16/2016) - Fixed device information in SA44B report. * Version 1.2.1 - Fixed bug where BB60C SFDR test raises a false negative on detecting the presence of an RF input signal. - Added manufacturer field for DUT in report. * Version 1.2.0 - Added support for testing Signal Hound SA44B. - Changed BB60C SFDR test to a two-tone test, requiring a second signal generator. - Changed specs for primary signal generator, allowing only modern SCPI-compliant models. - Dropped support for non-optioned 83712B/83732B generators with step attenuator. - Redesigned equipment entry to one dynamic screen. * Version 1.1.0 - Added support for testing Signal Hound VSG25A. - Added ability to store/recall passive devices. - Stores GPIB addresses from last session and recalls them on test startup. * Version 1.0.3 - Added support for 83712B/83732B generators with the support of an external step attenuator. See the user manual for required step attenuator/driver. * Removed the Agilent 8340B and Agilent 8665B signal generators from the list of acceptable generators for the phase noise calibration test. * Version 1.0.2 - Fixed an issue where connecting an 8340 signal generator caused the software to crash. - Specified futher options required for Signal Generator models 83712B and 83732B. (Option 1E1) * Version 1.0.1 - Bug Fix * Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release